103, 855.25
Amount in Dirhams worth Scholarships already given.
Number of Scholarships issued since 2017
The number of countries where Residents benefited from Scholarships.
Finance @ Radicon
Qualifications, career progression and professional development are important decisions. Professional life is more like a long, very long race and survival depends on learning new skills and technological advances. It means investing considerable finances, time and energy with the utmost dedication to excel.
Professional Development
Career Progression
Cutting-edge techniques and new skills are expensive to learn. Course fee, Travel and lodging can impact the financial balance and it has worsened since the Covid-19 global pandemic. At Radicon, we realise that many of world regions may require financial assistance for acquiring new courses. Radicon has extended many partnerships with various organisations in multiple countries to develop such networks. We are pleased to announce scholarships for several countries and several of affiliate organisations.
Scholarship Program
Radicon has an extensive scholarship program.
Healthcare professional from the following countries are entitled to Scholarship Program:
- Afghanistan
- Sudan
- Pakistan
- India
- Bangladesh
- Egypt
- Malaysia
- Philippines
If you are from these countries, please contact Radicon admin email: [email protected]
Radicon has scholarships for employees from several organisations. Staff and employees from the following organisation are entitled to the scholarship program:
- American Hospital, Dubai. UAE (Code: AHD).
- Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi (Code: CCAD).
- Hamad Medical Corporation (Code: HMC).
- Mediclinic Middle East, UAE (Code: MCME).
- National Guards Health Affairs. Saudi Arabia (Code: NGHA).
- NMC hospital group, UAE(Code: NMC).
- SEHA Employees (Code: SEHA).
- VPS (Burjeel Medical Group), UAE (Code: VPS).
Email your course confirmation with an organisational email/ID to [email protected]
If your organisation is not listed and you would like to explore the scholarship affiliate program, please email on the above address with HR details/HOD recommendation.